It was Sarah's birthday today. Cannot believe it was 9 years ago she came into our lives. She has always been the outgoing cheeky one and as she gets older nothing changes.
Sarah at just over 2 years old. |
She brightens our day with some of the silly things she comes up with and the faces she pulls.
Sarah at about 5 years old |
Well she had a great day she wanted to go and get a build a bear. You would think that by this age they would no longer want teddies, but that is one of the things she wanted. And here it is all in pink....
meet Sugar everyone |
We had a great fun choosing the bear and then the outfit. There was so many to choose from. She did change her mind a few times. She put this one down and then pick it up again and then down again. She finally decided after we where in the store for about 40 minutes just to choose the bear......
Ohh she also wanted the fur vest she is wearing. |
We had a small afternoon tea with grandma and grandpa and the cousins came up as well which was nice. Lots of good stuff like chips, dip, lollies, cocktail frankfurts, party pies and sausage rolls. No room for dinner after that afternoon tea.
And the cake was delicious too. I might just have another piece befoer I go to bed with a cup of milk.
Well laladad is putting the kids to sleep as I write this up. We are all pretty exhausted and it is off to bed early for all of us tonight.
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