
Wow it is getting to that time of year where the physie competitions start. My two beautiful  talented girls have been practising their routines all year and it is all coming together.

The best part for me is I get to play hairdresser on them and do something special with their hair. I love looking up photos, you tube and peoples blog on hair styles.

Here is a photo of their hair I love to do and they just look beautiful.
Last year Sarah wanted some plaits going through a messy bun.

And here are my beautiful princesses.
Wow this photo was only taken a couple of years ago they have grown up so much. I can't find another photo of the two together at Physie. I will have to remember to take one together this year.

And of course they always bring home a mountain of trophies for all their hard work.

Now what hair style will I do this year?
