We are making quilts...... maybe you can help us...

As many of you are aware we have had some devastating fires go through our little community and so many families have lost everything. A lot of families were not home and all they have are the clothes they where wearing to work and the kids have their uniform and school bag. I know if  could save one thing it would not be my school uniform.

The beautiful patchwork group that I attend every Thursday is made up a bunch of lovely ladies and live in this community and we want to do something to give to as many affected families as we can. Well we are patchwork group so we are going to do what we do best, and that is make quilts.

Here is the link to Tracey's Blog  Cook Quilt Crochet she runs the Springwood Salvation Army Patchwork Group, if you want to read a little more about it.

Now maybe you can help us a bit. You may want to come to our classes and help make quilts, or maybe you have a quilt project you started and are never going to finish and want to donate it to us to finish and give to a family, you may have an overflowing stash of fabric and a few metres donated won't even make a dent into that basket. If you can help in anyway send me an email to lalakids_123@outlook.com  and I would love to hear how you can help us.

Springwood Salvation Army Hall
15 - 23 Francis Street,
Faulconbridge, NSW, 2776

Filomena xx


  1. I'd love to help :) I'll drop you an email later on tonight Filomena...


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