Spending Friday with the Farmer's Wife .......

I know its not Friday, but I have missed the last couple due to work and other commitments. But while it's been quiet and spending some time at home I have snuck in a some template and fabric cutting and sewing.

One of the things I love when deciding on which block to make next is to read the letters that were sent in to the magazine. If you don't quite know what the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt is all about, it all started as a contest in a magazine, called The Farmer's Wife. In 1922 the popular magazine asked the question: "If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you in the light of your own experience, what her to marry a farmer?" The magazine was overwhelmed with over 7000 responses. And 94%  said yes they would want their daughter to marry a farmer.

The book is full of letters that were sent in. Some of them are a great read of how times have changed. Some make me laugh. One of the letters reads "I would have her marry a farmer because there she has the chance of living a pure life, away from the temptations of the big city." And some things have not changed at all.

Here are my next 2 blocks.

Country Farm

This block is block 23 called Country Farm

Country Farm

Bouquet Block

Block no. 8 called the Bouquet

Bouquet block

I love sitting and looking back at all my completed blocks. Still so many to go though.

See you Friday with my next 2 blocks.

Happy Farming
Filomena xx
