Farmer's Wife Catch up........

Wow, where have I been. It seems so long since I have written a post or even come to check my blog. It's work... It just gets in the way... doesn't it. I'm no longer a full-time stay at home mum...... I've gone back to work 5 days a fortnight, working in the local high school library and I love it. Except that it means less time in front of the sewing machine.

It has taken me a few weeks to find a routine that suits the kids, hubby and me. The first week I couldn't even get dinner on the table before 8pm. But I'm planning my meals better and making things ahead of time and now that the weather has turned cold its perfect for the slow cooker to come out, so dinner is ready when I get home from work and the after school activities.

I did find some time to do some sewing and 2 more Farmer's Wife Blocks.

Block No. 34 Flock

I made this one at the Sunday Sewing Along Day with the GWSMQG last month. I soooo look forward to these days.

Block No. 25 Cups and Saucers

So now that I have got my routine organised, I am back to getting this quilt finished.

Have a great day Filomena xx
